Anything For My Favorite Lady Lyrics


The song "Anything for My Favorite Lady" was written by Nancie Mantz, an American composer, lyricist, and singer-songwriter. It became popular in 1958 after being performed by American singer and actress Connie Stevens. The song has since become a classic, covered by many artists across the decades.

The lyrics of the song express the narrator's deep affection for their "favorite lady." The narrator promises to do "anything" for this woman, including "climbing mountains" and "swimming oceans." This unconditional love and devotion is captured in the chorus: "Anything, anything for my favorite lady/ Anything, anything she will ever need/ Anything, anything for my favorite lady/ She's the only girl my heart can lead."

In the following section, we will provide the full lyrics to "Anything for My Favorite Lady" and explore the deeper meaning and themes found within the song.

Anything for My Favorite Lady Lyrics

The lyrics to "Anything for My Favorite Lady" are simple yet effective, expressing the narrator's deep affection and devotion for their beloved.

  • Unconditional love
  • Romantic devotion
  • Heartfelt promises
  • Everlasting commitment

These four key points capture the essence of the song, which has become a timeless classic due to its relatable themes and sincere lyrics.

, anything in life.">anything, Anything in life, anything in life!Anything, Anything in life, Anything in life,anything, Anything in life, anything in life!

Romantic devotion

The lyrics of "Anything for My Favorite Lady" express the singer's deep romantic devotion to their beloved. The singer promises to do "anything" for their favorite lady, including climbing mountains and swimming oceans. This level of devotion is evident throughout the song, as the singer declares that they are willing to go to any lengths to make their lady happy.

Romantic devotion is a central theme in the song, and it is expressed through the singer's heartfelt lyrics and passionate delivery. The song is a testament to the power of love and the lengths that people are willing to go to for the ones they love.

Heartfelt promises

The lyrics to "Anything for My Favorite Lady" are filled with heartfelt promises from the singer to their beloved. These promises express the singer's deep love and devotion, and they create a sense of trust and intimacy between the two characters.

  • A promise to do anything: "Anything, anything for my favorite lady/Anything, anything she will ever need/Anything, anything for my favorite lady/She's the only girl my heart can lead."
  • A promise to be there always: "I'll be there when you need me/I'll be there when you call/I'll be there to protect you/I'll be there through it all."
  • A promise to love unconditionally: "I'll love you forever/I'll love you true/I'll love you with all my heart/Until the end of time."
  • A promise to make her happy: "I'll make you happy/I'll make you smile/I'll give you everything you want/I'll go the extra mile."

These heartfelt promises create a strong emotional connection between the singer and their favorite lady. They show that the singer is willing to do whatever it takes to make their lady happy, and that they are committed to the relationship for the long term.

Everlasting commitment

The lyrics to "Anything for My Favorite Lady" express the singer's everlasting commitment to their beloved. The singer promises to love their lady "until the end of time," and they declare that their love will never die.

This theme of everlasting commitment is evident throughout the song, as the singer repeatedly affirms their love and devotion. In the chorus, the singer sings, "Anything, anything for my favorite lady/She's the only girl my heart can lead." This line shows that the singer is fully committed to their lady, and that they will never love anyone else.


Below are some frequently asked questions about the song "Anything for My Favorite Lady":

Question 1: Who wrote "Anything for My Favorite Lady"?
Answer: The song was written by Nancie Mantz.

Question 2: Who first recorded "Anything for My Favorite Lady"?
Answer: The song was first recorded by Connie Stevens.

Question 3: When was "Anything for My Favorite Lady" released?
Answer: The song was released in 1958.

Question 4: What genre is "Anything for My Favorite Lady"?
Answer: The song is a pop ballad.

Question 5: What is the meaning of "Anything for My Favorite Lady"?
Answer: The song is about a man's unconditional love for his favorite lady. He promises to do anything for her, no matter what.

Question 6: Is "Anything for My Favorite Lady" a popular song?
Answer: Yes, the song was a hit when it was released and remains popular today.

Question 7: Has "Anything for My Favorite Lady" been covered by other artists?
Answer: Yes, the song has been covered by many artists, including Elvis Presley, Dean Martin, and Willie Nelson.

Closing Paragraph for FAQ

These are just a few of the frequently asked questions about "Anything for My Favorite Lady." If you have any other questions, please feel free to search online or ask a music expert.


Here are a few tips for singing "Anything for My Favorite Lady":

Tip 1: Start by learning the chords.
The chords for "Anything for My Favorite Lady" are relatively simple, so they should be easy to learn even for beginners. Once you know the chords, you can start practicing the song on your own.

Tip 2: Pay attention to the lyrics.
The lyrics to "Anything for My Favorite Lady" are very important, so make sure you pay attention to them when you're singing. The lyrics tell a story, so try to convey that story through your singing.

Tip 3: Use your diaphragm to support your voice.
Using your diaphragm to support your voice will help you sing with more power and control. To use your diaphragm, take a deep breath and then exhale slowly while singing. You should feel your diaphragm contracting as you exhale.

Tip 4: Practice regularly.
The more you practice, the better you will become at singing "Anything for My Favorite Lady." Try to practice for at least 30 minutes each day. You can practice by yourself, with a friend, or with a vocal coach.

Closing Paragraph for Tips:

Following these tips will help you improve your singing and make you a better vocalist. So what are you waiting for? Start practicing today!


The song "Anything for My Favorite Lady" is a timeless classic that has been enjoyed by people of all ages for generations. The song's simple yet heartfelt lyrics express the singer's deep love and devotion for their favorite lady.

The song's main themes include unconditional love, romantic devotion, heartfelt promises, and everlasting commitment. These themes are explored in detail throughout the song's lyrics, and they create a powerful emotional connection between the singer and the listener.

Closing Message:

"Anything for My Favorite Lady" is a beautiful song that celebrates the power of love. The song's message is simple but profound: love is the most important thing in life, and we should cherish the people we love.

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